The Orange Stripe

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O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Depleted Uranium

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Depleted Uranium

Information for veterans and the public about depleted uranium, possible health problems, and related VA programs

Depleted uranium (DU) is a byproduct of the uranium enrichment process that makes nuclear fuel. DU has approximately 60 percent of the radioactivity and the same chemical toxicity as natural uranium. Natural uranium is present in small amounts in our environment, and we all are exposed to it through our food and water.

Depleted Uranium

How Veterans May Have Been Exposed to Depleted Uranium

The U.S. military uses tank armor and some bullets made with DU to penetrate enemy armored vehicles. The U.S. military began using DU on a large scale during the Gulf War in the early 1990s.

When a projectile made with DU penetrates a vehicle, small pieces of DU can scatter and become embedded in muscle and soft tissue. In addition to DU in wounds, soldiers exposed to DU in struck vehicles may inhale or swallow small airborne DU particles.

Some Gulf War, Bosnia, and Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) veterans who may have been exposed to DU are:

  • Those who were on, in, or near vehicles hit with "friendly fire."
  • Rescuers entering burning vehicles, and those near burning vehicles.
  • Those near fires involving DU munitions.
  • Those salvaging damaged vehicles.

Health Problems Associated with Depleted Uranium

DU is a health hazard if it enters the body, such as through embedded fragments, contaminated wounds, and inhalation or ingestion. Simply riding in a vehicle with DU weapons or DU shielding will not expose a service member to significant amounts of DU or external radiation.

The potential for health effects from internal exposure is related to the amount of DU that enters a person's body.

If you are concerned that you may have been exposed to DU during military service, you may want to participate in the Depleted Uranium Follow-up Program.

VA Benefits for Health Problems Related to Depleted Uranium

Veterans may be eligible for:

  • Health care for health problems that VA determines are related to depleted uranium exposure during military service.
  • Disability compensation for health problems that VA determines are related to depleted uranium exposure during military service.
  • A broad range of other VA programs and services.

Learn more about VA health care, disability compensation and other benefits.

Health Services and Disability Benefits

For information on health services

For information on disability benefits

O'er, the land of the free and the home of the brave!