The Orange StripeYour Information Center For All Veterans![]() BromacilAgent Orange, Anthrax, Depleted Uranium, Dioxin, Gulf War Veterans' Health, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans, Herbicidal Warfare, Hodgkin's Disease, News, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas PTSD, Multiple Myeloma, Radiation-Related Health Issues, Respiratory cancers, Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, Veterans' Health, WWII, Korean, Vietnam Veterans and more. |
Herbicidal Warfare Vietnam 1961-1971Bromacil![]() Poison
1962 - 1964
Urox 'B'
Molecular Formula: C9H13BrN2O2
CAS number 314-40-9
Trade Names: Borea, Bromax 4G, Bromax 4L, Borocil, Rout, Cynogan, Uragan, Isocil, Hyvar X, Hyvar XL, Urox B, Urox HX, Krovar. Bromacil is classified by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a general use herbicide. Dry formulations containing bromacil must bear the signal word "Caution" and liquid formulations must bear the signal word "Warning". Sources: ![]() |