The Orange Stripe

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Herbicidal Warfare Vietnam 1961-1971

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Agent Blue

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Agent Blue

Cacodylic acid (arsenic)

2,166,656 Gallons - 11.2% of total herbicides sprayed in Vietnam

Agent Blue is one of the "rainbow herbicides" that is known for its use by the United States during the Vietnam War. It was sprayed on rice paddies and other crops in an attempt to deprive the Vietnamese of valuable crops.

Agent Blue is a mixture of two arsenic-containing compounds, Na-dimethyl arsenate (Na cacodylate) and dimethyl arsinic acid (cacodylic acid).

Arsenical herbicides containing cacodylic acid as an active ingredient are still used today as weed-killers. In the US they are used extensively, from golf courses to backyards. They are also sprayed on cotton fields, drying out the cotton plants before harvesting. So common -- and so profitable -- is the original commercial form of Agent Blue that it was among 10 toxic insecticides, fungicides and herbicides partially deregulated by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in February 2004. Specific limits on toxic residues in meat, milk, poultry, and eggs were removed.

~ Source: Wikipedia ~
~ Agent Orange Statistics ~

"Don't worry, it only hurts plants."

O'er, the land of the free and the home of the brave!