The Orange Stripe

Your Information Center For All Veterans

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!


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Herbicidal Warfare Vietnam 1961-1971




1962 - 1964





Molecular Formula: C9H10Cl2N2O

CAS number 330541

Trade Names: Di-on, Crisuron, Diater, Karmex, and Unidron. It is often used in combination with other pesticides such as bromacil and hexazinone.

Diuron is a substituted urea herbicide used to control a wide variety of annual and perennial broadleaf and grassy weeds. It is used to control weeds and mosses on non-crop areas and among many agricultural crops such as fruit, cotton, sugar cane and legumes. Diuron works by inhibiting photosynthesis.

Diuron is a general use pesticide.


~ Wikipedia ~
~ Agent Orange Statistics ~

Pesticide Information Profiles: Facts, Toxicology, use, an overview of each pesticide's toxic effects and their expected actions in the environment.
Spectrum Laboratories
Extension Toxicology Network

O'er, the land of the free and the home of the brave!